
Grant Cart


All in one place for applying for blockchain grants

Pearls of silky soft white cotton, bubble up under vibrant lighting

Stacks/Tools Used

Vite, Apify

How I got involved

I came across a challenge on www.superteam.earn to develop a platform for Solana builder to apply for grants. I expanded the idea to develop and apply it to other chains.

Why was the project complex

Getting the available grants from 100+ chains, every day, and checking the status of the grants is a complex task.

What i did to drive success

i used a web crawler framework (apify), to crawl the web and persist the data in a simple datastore provided by apify, i then query the datastore in my Vite project to get the list of grants.

Driving factor for success

Using the right tool for the job will reduce the unwanted stress

Success Criteria

The number of grants pulled and the number of site visitors

Conflict that arose


Lessons learnt

  • Before developing your custom solution, make some research about your competitors and learn from them

Ultimate Result

The project was deployed live and few hundreds of blockchain devs visited the website

How I have grown

I learnt about competitive analysis as a benchmark for revenue generation

Project Assets